Eric DeForge
Advanced Rolf Practitioner of Structural Integration, Licensed Massage Therapist, Āyurvedic Health Counselor, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
My journey to bodywork began when I was faced with healing my own constellation of aches, pains and health issues.
I overcame debilitating pain from multiple major accidents, medical trauma and sports injuries through receiving and training with the methods and treatments I now offer my clients.
I practice Advanced Personalized Structural Integration as originally formulated by Dr. Ida P. Rolf. My treatment sessions incorporate myofascial, myoskeletal, osteopathic, visceral, neural, and craniosacral techniques to facilitate systematic unwinding of tension and restoration of vitality.
I received my original training and certification in Structural Integration from The University of New Mexico-Taos. My training featured leading instructors from three distinct lineages within the field of Structural Integration. My original instructors were David Davis (American Guild for Structural Integration), Peter Ehlers (Kinesis Myofascial Integration), and Jill Gerber (Rolf Institute). I have also completed continuing education within the schools of Anatomy Trains Structural Integration with Thomas Myers, Advanced Myofascial Trainings with Til Luchau and Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques with Erik Dalton.
My own healing process and extensive training experience has provided me the skillset to form a comprehensive and holistic treatment approach that targets the root cause of each client’s structural imbalances and restores a state of balanced wellbeing.
I am currently participating in 3-year Somatic Experiencing Practitioner training program. The Somatic Experiencing method is a naturalistic and a neurobiological body oriented approach to healing trauma and other stress disorders. The SE approach releases traumatic shock and restores connection, which is key to transforming PTSD and the wounds of emotional and early developmental attachment trauma. It offers a framework to assess where a person is stuck in the fight, flight or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve these fixated physiological states to restore the authentic self with relaxation, wholeness and aliveness. This training is the next iteration in my evolution as a trauma informed therapist with the capacity to hold space for, heal and integrate all types of trauma.
I am also a health counselor in the discipline of Āyurveda, one of the longest continually practiced systems of holistic medicine in the world. I was able to heal a decade of debilitating digestive pain through the application of Āyurvedic therapeutics. I received my training and certification from Dr. Vasant Lad at the Āyurvedic Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
I completed my Yoga Teacher Training Certification in India with Yogacharya Bharat Shetty and was initiated into the advanced practice of Kriya Yoga in the Saraswati lineage with Swami Janakananda Saraswati.
I studied the foundations of Daoist Medicine and Tai Chi under the instruction of Li Shifu of the Five Immortals Temple in China.
I earned a Shamanic Permaculture Design certificate from the Paititi Institute of Peru under Roman Hanis.
My mentors and these living wisdom traditions have provided me the opportunity and capacity to provide true and lasting healing transformation in myself as well as the lives of my clients.